Friday, July 25, 2014

Teen Bake Sale! 5 Awesome How To's for Chefs Aged 13!

EVERYONE loves food. Especially cakes and cookies! So why not bake a bunch of delicious stuff and sell it to people? You could randomly sell it to friends and family whether at school or through the mail. Perhaps you could cater for birthday parties, baby showers, and wedding ceremonies? For those of you who like to cook, here are 10 awesome tutorials that you should check out.

Emoji cookies are a great idea for your friends. These are totally awesome because they could be toys for you and your friends as well; maybe turn it into a game?

Grumpy Cat Cake! How cool is this??? Everyone knows who grumpy cat is. You could make this for a friend or family member for them to give to a loved one for their special birthday. People would pay good money to have something like this to give! Besides, being a 13 year old cake decorator is awesome anyways!

This chocolate bar cake looks like it would be BEYOND delicious, don't you think? Here's another awesome tutorial.

This sneaker cake looks impossibly amazing. I just hope it SMELLS as good as it looks! Although, shoes aren't really appetizing either... Oh well! It would make a memorable cake either way.

CHEESEBURGER CUPCAKES!!! WHAT!?!?!?! These are simply awesome. Who wouldn't buy one of these from you at school? They're fun, delicious, and fun to make. Definitely a good one to start off with!

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